Telesforo Julve – c.1920

Item 77

Price: $10,000

Appraised Value 2016: $8,000
Appraised Value 2021: $8,000

The excellent soundboard is made from two book-matched halves of clear straight-grained spruce with grain spacing ranging from 28 per inch near the center to 18 per inch near the edges. The rosette has a pattern band of chained diamond shapes of natural wood color set in a dark brown background. Surrounding this band are inner and outer rings of black, red and natural colors to complete the rosette. The bridge is rosewood and its tie-block is framed with thin bone strips.

The two-piece back is of matched, coarse-grained, rosewood halves with a thin natural-colored fillet in the seam. The sides are of the same rosewood as the back. The head and neck are cedar and the head is faced with dyed wood. Six ebony tuning pegs, with geometric designs inlaid into the grips and mother-of-pearl dots in the small ends, add a luxury touch. The fingerboard is ebony with 19 large nickel-silver frets.

A brass tornavoz is attached to the soundboard below the soundhole. The top diameter of the tornavoz is 92mm, its bottom diameter is 101mm, its depth is 71mm and the internal body depth at the soundhole is 84mm. The guitar is in good condition despite much use as evidenced by fret wear. The interesting and colorful label proclaims that the Julve Co. also manufactured “BORDONES y CUERDAS ” (bass and treble strings).    

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